Thank you for the question on translations of the Bible, “Does the Bible face the danger of being distorted after having translated so many times?”
Bible translators do not translate from another translation to their new translations. In other words, Bible translator do not use the New American Standard Bible or New International Version to translate from that version into the newest contemporary translation. If that were true, then there is a danger o the Bible being distorted.
Bible translators translate from the Hebrew and Greek text. Based on the most recent discoveries or debate among Bible scholars on the Hebrew or Greek text, the translation committee will have to make certain decisions on whether to amend the text or clarify the text. As one many already know that many Bible translations have deleted or put in parenthesis like Mark 16:9–19 or John 7:53-8:11. There is usually an explanation why the Bible translation committee deleted it from the text. However their decision is not authoritative for that is their opinion. It is important to read the pros and cons for the inclusion or exclusion of a text. On a general principle, the minor differences do not affect the Biblical teaching or doctrine of the Bible.
Many individuals think that Bible translators just used any of the current translations to base their new translation. That is a faulty assumption since Bible scholars do not base their translation on a translation of the Hebrew and Greek text.
Personally for a critical study on a text, one can read a parallel translation of the Hebrew and Greek text online and the English translation of the Hebrew and Greek word. The modern selection of words may not be the best word choice depending if the purpose is to convey a modern contemporary understanding of the text or a more literal translation of the text.
SUMMARY: Bible translator base their translation on the Hebrew and Greek text, taking into account the current discussion on the latest research on a verse or passage.
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