Thank you for the question on the prosperity gospel, “Who prospers under the prosperity gospel?”
The Prosperity Gospel teaches that God wants to bless humans with health and wealth for every person. In one senses, the bases of that teaching comes from the promises. God promised to the nation of Israel of health and wealth if they obey the Law of God.
The Prosperity Gospel is for the nation of Israel, not for Christians. Jesus Christ did not promise his followers health and wealth, but trials in this world if they live for him. If they persecuted him, then they will persecute his followers.
Satan may give the followers of the Prosperity Gospel wealth and or health so that they are blinded to the true Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ. That is a small price to pay to have the souls of men and women bounded to him. Satan keeps their eyes blinded to the Light and only focused on themselves. Who prospers are those who are under the dominion of Satan. In additional, the men and or women who teaches the Prosperity Gospel accumulate wealth from their followers. They personify the deception of happiness, health, and wealth of the physical body without any thought for their spiritual souls or their spiritual lives before God.
SUMMAARY: The persons who prospers under the Prosperity Gospel are some/many of its followers and its teachers under the deception of Satan.
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