Thank you for the question about knowledge, “What does the Bible say knowledge is based on?”
I would like to add some additional thoughts to what other respondents have written on that question. There is natural observation of the world and divine revelation to the world.
A. Knowledge is based on the omniscience of God (Psalm 139:1–6).
The thought here is that God knows the beginning and the end. He is the Creator God and thus he knows all that he has made in the universe (Gen. 1:1). If God knows the number of hair on a person’s head and the sands on earth, he knows everything.
B. Divine revelation is based on the holiness and truthfulness of God (Romans 1:20).
The thought here is that in the creation of the universe and earth, God has revealed or left his imprint of himself in what he created. The divine revelation of creation reflects the character of God that includes his holiness and power. God has revealed special revelation through his prophets about himself as to specific plans and acts that he plans to fulfill as God’s promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1–3.
C. Knowledge can be acquired by man through his observation of the universe and the earth (The Book of Ecclesiastes).
God made man and woman in his own image and likeness with the ability to learn and to do things. Man is able to distinguish the various animal or plant life and how they behave. Ecclesiastes records King Solomon’s observation of man and the futility of life without God from his perspective. Man is able to accumulate knowledge and to pass that knowledge whether rightly or wrongly to the next generation.
D. Knowledge can be acquired by human experiences and experiments.
As man obtain more knowledge, this expands his experiences and experiments as with fire or sharp tools. His experiences and experiments enables him to know whether what he has learned can be used for good or for evil. The throwing of stones or the throwing of spears to kill an animal was learned but he also learned that he can kill another person with it as well. Cain killed Abel. The Scripture does not state how he killed Abel whether by strangulation or with an object.
Man has the ability to observe, reason, and experiment. His ability to learn from others gives him the bases of learning which becomes his knowledge. There are things that he can observe from this world and there are things that he can’t know unless special revelation is given to him by God.
SUMMARY: Knowledge can be obtain through natural observation of the world and through special revelation from God.
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