Read John 3:1-3. Circle the words that stand out to you. What is the Lord saying to you?
1Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.
Digging Deeper
Have you ever felt that you wanted to know more but was afraid, hesitant to approach that person? We have our status to maintain. We can’t be seen as been “weak” or inferior. It’s safer to send an email or text question to that person. It’s more anonymous and our reputation is intact!
Nicodemus. He is forever associated with John 3:16, but there is more to him by pondering more deeply. His name means “Victor of the People.” His parents gave him a grand name but they didn’t know whether he will live up to his name. He became a Pharisee, an ultra-conservative group of priests who held tenaciously to the Scriptures. He rose to become one of the premier teachers of Israel, perhaps second to Gamaliel. He was part of the Sadducees, the ruling class over Israel. Thus he had a dual role within Israel. Everyone knew his name and he had students learning from him.
Nicodemus was an old man and honest person. This man, perhaps, stood in the back watching Jesus performs the many signs in the Temple and hearing His words. The words that Jesus spoke qualified him to be a teacher and his works showed that God was with Him. Did Nicodemus wished that he could perform those signs that Jesus did? Most likely. It would affirm that his teaching was correct. He didn’t dare to ask his personal question(s) in a public setting so he came to Jesus at night. He came alone.
Regardless of our status in our life, we have questions about life. We wish there is someone who can answer our unspoken hidden deep in our hearts. We’re unsettle inwardly but outwardly we’re confident and self-assured. Who do we go to in finding our answer to life’s question? Nicodemus went to see Jesus, a person whom he believed that God is with Him so that His answers are godly ones. He will speak the truth to me.
If you are searching for life’s answers, read and meditate on the Gospel of John and Matthew. In it, you will find Jesus’ answers to your questions. Set aside your prejudices. Ask God to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind to Jesus’ words. I believe you will find water for your thirsty soul. Give it a try.