I commend you for your desire to honor the Lord each day. I am also sorry to hear of your illness.
Since I am not a medical doctor nor do I know fully your health situation and the limits of what one can and can’t do, please take my suggestions as something to consider.
Here are some thoughts:
A. Don’t get stuck on the routine itself.
God knows the very number of hairs on your head, when you rise and when you lie down. He even knows your thoughts before you verbalize them (Ps. 139).
I suggest saying in bed and pray when you wake up. Thank him for what you were able to do yesterday and commit to him what you would like to do today.
If you don’t complete your wish list, it’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up. God knows your limits and what you attempted to do.
B. In having a quiet time or devotion, don’t feel that you have to read the Bible. Use the technology that is available.
If your fingers allow, use the app that allows you to hear the Word instead of you having to turn the pages. You may even choose to listen to some Christian music or to sing along with them.
It’s worshiping from the heart that truly matters, not the number of pages that one reads. If you can memorize a Bible verse or review one of them, that will be great. You are hiding God’s word in your heart and spirit.
My son uses Alexis to turn on and turn off Christian music or even ask Alexis questions. You may want to consider that. Have a friend come over and see what can be done to make your spiritual life and physical life better.
C. If you have someone who lives with you, ask him/her to help you make a list of things that you would like to do by the end of the day.
Take that list and begin checking off what you can whether it listening to the Word, dressing yourself, making breakfast, lunch or dinner, washing dishes or laundry.
You probably have a routine. Have that person write it down for you and then ask the Lord for strength to do the best that you can. This will provide direction and self-purpose. Pace yourself. Take time to rest. Watch out for self-pity feelings.
Scripture reminds Christians to do everything for the glory of God. It’s not about oneself, but allowing God to work in and through you to the best of your ability. It may be a simple thing, but do your best for the Lord.
D. During Noon or Dinner, pause and thank God for what He has allowed you to accomplish. Pray about what needs to be done in the next several hours like before Lunch or Dinner. Break up the day into segments. Have some tasks for each segment of the day.
When you are able to accomplish it, you will feel good and give thanks to God. Your day will become more joyful.
E. At the end of the day, take your sheet of paper and reveal it.
Was there something new that you did or did something better than the day before? Give thanks to God.
Was there something that you couldn’t do today or do it as well as you wanted to? Choose one of them and see if you can do it better the next coming day or days.
Rejoice and give thanks to God for what was done. If you had visitors, thank the Lord for them. If you received a phone call or you call someone, give thanks for the friendship of others.
Express gratitude towards others. This will go a long way in developing a grateful heart instead of focusing on one’s limitations. Think of how you can bless someone else each day.
I hope these suggestions will improve your quality of life for you and for those around you. Each day is a gift from God.