Thank you for taking your time to join us in our Caring For Senior Workshop and Discussion Group. My qualifications for leading this Workshop stems from over 25 years of pastoral experiences and over 20 years of personal experiences of caring for my lovely stroke survivor wife, Ramona.
The purpose of this Caring For Senior Workshop and Discussion Group is to provide a Biblical bases for Caring for our Seniors while addressing the practical issues of both the Care Giver (You) and the Care Recipient (our Loved Ones). This Workshop and Discussion is NOT the definitive answer on Caring for Seniors. Lord willing, it will provide a bases and framework from which you will need to ask the Spirit of God for His wisdom in applying it to your circumstances.
The worksheets is meant to be a resource for us in helping us to understand the issues facing a Care Giver and a Care Recipient. Our discussion will not focus on the Physical, Social, and Mental Issues, but will focus primarily on the Spiritual and Emotional challenges. All Five Components are critical, but due to time limitations, the Spiritual and Emotional challenges will be our focus.
Doing the worksheet will prepare you both cognitively and emotionally for being a Care Giver and for the Care Recipient. If I may encourage you to at least read and keep the material for future references for yourselves or for others.
Our sharing together, willingness to be honest and vulnerable, will bless each other and be ministered to by others. True Fellowship is entering into another person’s life and sharing in their joys and struggles. As a Care Giver, you are not alone. We are all in this together.
If you have a particular question, please forward it to your group leader and s/he will forward the questions to me.