Thank you for the question on responses to God or to the Bible, “I feel lost? I hear scholars of the Bible for 30+ years still calling Yah, God? What do I do? I can’t be the only one feeling this way.”
It should not become a surprise to us for in the last 70 years, there is a loss of respect for authority especially in the last 20 years. There is the social breakdown of order in my view.
There are those who advocate the cancel of the democracy and the institution of socialism. Whether socialism and Communism is the same can be debated. The social disorder in our country affects not only social values but also moral and religious values. The results more and more liberal scholars reject the existence of God or the need for reverence of God. Going to Church is becoming a social event. God is becoming irrelevant to our society.
Science has and will continue to replace in the belief of God. Science is now the new “god” of this age. The name of God is used in curse words, religious symbols are being defamed, lawsuits against Christian symbols or Christian values. Do not be surprised that one day it will be considered illegal to wear any religious symbols for it is offense to an atheist.
Finland is having a court case in which two religious people are arrested for being extremists. Being a Christian or advocating the Christian message is becoming viewed as an “extremist” view and must be silenced.
God calls Christians to be faithful to the end. There may come a day even in our own country will outwardly persecuted Christians. It’s not that far-fetch in my view.
SUMMARY: Irreverence is the key word in our society. Don’t be surprised by it.