Thank you for the distinction question of Bible and Scripture, “What are the differences between a Bible and a scripture?”
Here are three differences between a Bible and a Scripture for one’s consideration:
A. The word, Bible, refers to the whole of Scripture while a scripture may refer to a passage or a verse within the Bible.
B. The word, Bible, refers to the whole of Scripture while the word, the Scriptures may be another synonym for the Bible.
C. The word, Bible, refers to a literature book while the word, Scriptures or scripture refers to the divine nature of the words that is recorded in the Bible.
One must keep in mind the word, Bible, referring to the entirety of the Old and New Testament being compiled into one Book wasn’t fully developed until the 4th century. The word, biblos, refers to individual books of the Bible which is now referred to the wholeness of the books of the Bible. The word, Scripture is more of a reference to the Old Testament which later on included the New Testament letters.
Hope this helps you to understand the terms better.