Thank you for your question on faith and doubt, “As a Christian, is it okay to have doubts in your faith?”
As one reads the Old Testament, there were many persons who had doubts in regard to God’s promises to them. Doubt is unavoidable. Continually living in doubt about one’s faith needs resolution. It is not enough to acknowledge doubt, but to reflect upon the reason for one’s doubt. In other words, what is the cause for one’s doubt, the areas of doubt, and what does the Scripture says about my doubt or other Christians say about the doubt.
Here are some thoughts for one’s consideration in sorting out one’s doubt:
A. Is it a doubt about the existence of God?
B. Is it a doubt about the works of God?
C. Is it a doubt about my salvation?
D. Is it a doubt about experiencing the Christian life?
E. Is it doubt about the Bible itself as “inconsistencies” of Scriptures?
F. Is it a doubt about Bible and science?
After narrowing down the areas of doubt, then do one’s due diligence by studying the Scriptures, reading apologetic books, speak to the pastor or someone who you respect regarding your questions, and yes even to some extent on the internet. Surfing the internet, one has to be careful for not all sites are equal even Christian ones. I would encourage listening to debates and listening to how other apologetic Christians explain or defend their position. It’s knowing the pros and cons of the positions. It is being intellectual honest as well as reflecting on one’s experience with God.
I believe that God is active and working in each believers life. God is in the process of transforming his children into the image of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:28). God is active in working in one’s life and through one’s life (Phil. 1:3–6). God is not divorced/remote from our lives. He is intimately working in us even in the difficult circumstances of unanswered prayers.
There is the perseverance of the faith. The Christian faith is not a “blind” faith. The world in which we live in has a different perspective that seeks to remove the existence and knowledge of God in our society. The Bible is already being contested as being true and truthful. The fundamental cornerstone of the Christian faith is the belief in the existence of God. Is there a Creator God or did the Universe come into existence without a cause or has perpetually existed?
For myself, I believe there is a Creator God. It is illogical to think that the Universe came from nothingness and yet be so orderly. Design of Universe does not prove the existence of a Creator God, but it points to one. To argue that the Universe self-existed without a cause, then the alternative view of God self-existed without a cause is equally valid. One’s view of God will determine the purpose, values, and actions. Read and do one’s due diligence in understanding one’s faith.
I leave you a familiar Bible chapter of Hebrews 11 of the Heroes of the Faith. Faith enables a believer to move beyond what we can see with our eyes or understand with our mind to God who created all things. “ Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (NIV).
SUMMARY: Having doubts or questions regarding one’s faith is normal, but do seek to resolve the questions one has regarding one’s faith. Study to show yourself approved unto God a workman who doesn’t have to be ashamed, correctly understanding and interpreting the Word of God.
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