Thank you for the question on success, “How often is success achieved?”
Success is achieved every day of the week, 365 days a year. If one has goals and even no “goals”, the effort given to complete a certain task or activity would be considered as success.
If one’s goal is to get up at 6:00 am to get oneself ready for work, make breakfast for the children, see that they are ready to leave for school, and leave for work by 7:15 am those are the goals. If one was able to complete it, that is success. It’s our list of things that one has to do and when one completes it, it is mentally or physically check off in one’s mind. It’s done. That success.
If one is speaking of life’s goal, that’s a different story. It’s almost like New Year Resolution that one keeps a week or two and then it is neglected. Life changing goals and the actions need to complete it takes determination and discipline. I decided to read through the Bible this year. I just completed it. It’s setting aside time, making the priority every morning to read it before watching the news and hopefully think about what I read. At times in the evening, I may read the Bible before I go to sleep. Since I am retired, I have more time to do it.
There are some goals that are more challenging than others. Some goals are taken for granted in our daily activities as cooking and cleaning, helping the kids with the homework, going grocery shopping, going through the mail, even watching the news or playing one’s games on the smart device.
SUMMARY: We are all accomplishing goals each day but is that goal worth of our time and effort. Let’s achieve something that will have lasting impact on our family and for our friends.
PS: Today I will be using my skills in helping a friend do some work in their home. It’s time with a friend and building a deeper relationship. What are you going to do today?
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