Thank you for the question, “Which of the books of the Bible brings you peace?”
The Psalms is one of the books that gives me encouragement a ons a reminder that God looks over me and cares for me. In particular, Psalm 23 and Psalm 139 helps quiet my anxious heart when trials seems to overwhelm me.
I remembered when my wife suffered a massive hemorrhagic stoke. I saw her lying in ER with the nurses and doctors on the phone, deciding what to do. They did absolutely nothing: no IV, no oxygen, no surgery except x rays and MRI. It was the most helpless feeling in my life seeing my wife unresponsive and her color was purple like. I was told the doctors can’t do anything except to wait the next 72 hours to see what will happen.
I was informed later on that 50% with her type of stroke will not survive and the other 40 to 45% will be severely bedridden or disabled. How’s that’s for good news! It wasn’t a small TIA, minor stroke, but a massive one. They were trying to prepare me for the worse outcome, not a good outcome.
How bad was it for my wife when she came out of her coma? She could not make a sound, not even a word. The speech therapist tried to get her to say the “M” sound. She didn’t seem to know what was a pen or fork. She had no feelings in her feet t when they prickled the bottom of her foot. She couldn’t follow instructions. She laid there limp. They weren’t even sure she could swallow feet. Feeling of helplessness. Feelings of frustration that the doctors couldn’t do a thing for her in the first 72 hours Feelings of sinking hopelessness even numb over what has just happened. Passing thoughts of what quality of life will she have, will we have. Secondary feelings and eventual thoughts of my work, caring for my wife, my finances, etc. it’s like the whole world has just caved in on my life.
It was my faith that sustained me through this crisis. To remember that God knows the very details of my circumstances even my wife’s life and mine. Her days are written down just like mine. God knows when I sit down and when I rise up. He is familiar with all my ways. It is a surprise to me, but not to God.
I am and still is comforted that my Shepherd goes before me and is by my side as well as with my wife. Her life or death, her condition is in God’s hands so I rest in his love and care for us. He will work everything for our God to those who love him. Although at that time I can’t see what good can come out of it, it’s been over 21 years since her stroke. I am not saying that I never have anxiety, but it is not overwhelming anxiety. God has provided for us enough funds to live We are in retirement. God led us to return to Texas to be close to our son and daughter. My wife has made a remarkable recovery whereby she can only say a few words, able to swallow, write a few incorrect words, not a full sentence, can walk without a walker, have a fair comprehension less than a middle schooler, uses only one hand in the limited things she can do and yet very loving and sensitive to others.
I am thankful to God for the additional years He has given to me. It has not been years of ease as she suffers from severe depression that is treated by shock treatment every 7–8 weeks. Our lives have not been easy, but God grace has been and is sufficient for us. Is it all peace? No, but peace in the midst of the storm that we find ourselves in each and every day.
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