Thank you for the question on the truthfulness of the Bible, “lsn’t every part of the Bible that is not verifiable just a lie?”
In my opinion, one must careful in suggesting that what is not verifiable is a lie. For if one held that view 300 years ago, one would have concluded that the Babylonians or Assyrians is a fable. Archaeology has confirmed that there was a Babylonian and Assyrian Empire with the named rulers by the Bible.
It was once thought it was foolish to think that God can make a person out of a rib of a person. Today, scientists are growing cells, experimenting with DNA of prehistorical animals to bring them back to life again. It was not verifiable 200 years ago, but today, we are on verge of growing organs, replicating animals perhaps even man. It’s not that crazy in the 21st century.
Geologists now believes that the Earth was once submerged beneath the ocean floor and the landmass was one piece. The reason is that seashells are found on mountain tops as Mt. Everest, the Rockies or even the Andes.
Let us not presume that our current scientific knowledge of the Universe or Earth is absolute. Just because it is not currently verifiable doesn’t make it a lie. It may be verifiable in the future.
If there are verifiable evidence, how do we correct the erroneous statement of the past and for those who believed it! One can question the truthfulness of the Bible based on our current understanding of the Universe and of Earth.
Summary: It is better to say that our current understanding of the Universe and our world contests the claims of the Bible. Further research will be needed to confirm or deny the Biblical events.