Thank you for the application question, “What do you think is the greatest wisdom from the Bible?”
The greatest wisdom from the Bible is found in Proverbs 1:7. The text says this in the NIV, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, and fools despise wisdom and discipline.”
There are two paths before each person. It is either a self-centered life or a God-centered life. For a person who lives a self-centered life that includes denying the existence of God that person lives only for the moment of time. It boils down to eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. Nothing else matters.
King Solomon in his book, Ecclesiastes, speaks of the futility of life without God. The accumulation of wealth, the pleasures of life and of women are all empty at the end. The idea of leaving a legacy is futile for who knows how or what the next generation will live once one dies. Existence without God leads one to create his or her own purpose in life, but what does it matter at the end. It is as Solomon said that everything is vanity and in vain. All riches and positions are temporarily. A lifetime of service and sacrifice is empty. to receive a plaque or street name after oneself. Life isn’t worth living if the grave is the end of the line.
May I encourage one to read Ecclesiastes and ponder the observations that he makes of life.
Summary: Without the fear of the Lord, life isn’t worth living.