Thank you for the question on space travel, “Did the Bible inspire space travel?”
In my opinion, the biblical description of angels traveling to and from earth may have caused people to ponder is it really possible to travel in space. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that it “inspired” space travel, but the notion of traveling in space is possible since angels do it all the time.
It may well be that as man sees birds flying in the sky and across the land and oceans that led them to explore how high can animals flies in the earth’s atmosphere. If animals can fly that high, is there some means whereby man can create propel himself so that he can fly as well. If we can travel in the earth’s atmosphere, why not beyond the earth’s atmosphere to the moon and beyond.
Did the Bible “inspire” space travel? In some sense, the Bible gave man the notion that as the angels can travel through space and time so why can’t humans.
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