Thank you for the question on the Bible still being a great source to improve one’s relationship with a significant other, “Why is the Bible a great source to improve our relationship with a significant other?”
There are many great books written on how to improve one’s relationship with a significant other. Is the Bible still relevant with all that is written on human relationship and our understanding of human relationship? I believe the Bible is still a great source to improve our relationship with a significant other.
Here are the reasons why the Bible is a great source to improve one’s relationship with a significant other:
A. The Bible defines and distinguishes friendship with significant other and a marriage to significant other.
One can have many deep and long lasting friendships in life, but there is one significant other who can truly become one’s counterpart in life. A friend may come and go, be available and be unavailable, but a spouse, Lord willing, will be constantly be by one’s side. When one goes home for the evening, it is the spouse that is there for you. To be committed to a lifetime relationship is the highest human relationship between a man and a woman according to the Bible.
B. The Bible defines and describes the causes of a broken relationship with a significant other or spouse.
Rivalry and comparison, deceit and self-centeredness destroy any relationship. The Bible gives an example of Abraham and Jacob with their wives. It is an example of a dysfunctional family especially with Jacob’s wives naming their children after their circumstances of being loved and not loved. The Song of Solomon and Ruth describes what makes a lasting relationship of fidelity and faith in each other.
In our modern culture of entitlement and “Me First” mentality, if one doesn’t get what one wants from another person, the solution is trade that person in for another person. No relationship can be sustain by “Me First” mentality. The selfless love or agape love only comes from God, not from ourselves. No relationship can endure with “Me First” mentality. It poisons every relationship.
C. The Bible gives an enduring and eternal perspective of the relationship based on God himself.
The belief in God and behavior before God enables a person to honor their commitments before others. Friendship and fellowship are aspects deeper aspects of relationship. Without love and forgiveness no relationship can be sustain. I believe only agape love enables can sustain and cause any relationship to thrive and deepen. Forgiveness is possible when one sees the hurt in the other person deeper than one’s own hurt. True forgiveness comes not from ourselves but from knowing that God has forgiven us.
SUMMARY: One can live a good live without the Bible, but one can live a great life with the Bible. The oneness is not based on personal preferences but on personal commitment to God and then to each other.
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