Thanks for the question on my favorite books from the Old Testament that are most instructive.
Having just read through the Old Testament, Numbers and Ezra-Nehemiah were most instructive for me.
Numbers reminds me that I am like the Jews who grumbled and complained to God when things just doesn’t go the way that I think it should. I was trying to make a medical chart for my wife and for some unknown reason I had the hardest time adjusting the lines, the printer printed blank pages, etc. It took me about an hour to make that chart. I could have killed that printer and the laptop. With poor vision, trying to see the icons was so hard. I was not a happy camper to say the least nor was I grateful to God when it was finished.
Ezra-Nehemiah reminds me that one person can make a difference in a church or in the community. To take a stand, to be a point person is not easy as differing opinions and personal attacks will come upon a person who seeks to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s safer to be passive than to stand up in seeking what is best for others and for the church. How we need more Ezra-Nehemiah’s in our days! May God raise up such men and women in our time to address the challenges within the Christian community and in our nation.
SUMMARY: It’s easy to complain about a leader when one is not in leadership position.
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